
Attaining happiness is a global pursuit. Researchers find that people from around the world rate happiness more important than any other desirable personal outcomes.

By only being happy People will wanna come around.
You will sure be more productive.
Have a Better Relationship.

Even a Good health and stop the risk of High Blood Pressure.

Happiness is not the result of bouncing from one joy to the next; researchers find that achieving happiness typically involves times of considerable discomfort. Money is important to happiness, but only to a certain point. Money buys freedom from worry about the basics in life—housing, food, and clothing.

You will be Happy if you:

1.Feel good enough

You shouldn't look for perfection in yourself and not even in others.
Have the positive feeling that you are good enough.

2.Do the things you Love.

Doing the things you Love alone can get you enough happiness as someone would desire. In such case, even if you fail in what you do !, but simply because of the Love and passion you find in it, you still enjoy it.

3.Friends like you.

Choose the kind of people you walk around with, not everybody is like you, but certainly there are people like you.
By the time you hang around with them and do the things you all Love to do together, you discover that there won't he any room for isolation.
And of course the absent of isolation definitely is Happiness.

4.See the funny side.

Simple in a way.
Find the pleasure in it(anything)
Even though some certain things could be so obvious, but just try to look on the bright side.

5.Simple Act Of Kindness.

This is definitely the most exciting part of being happy(how i see it though).
Most religions and ethnic group encourage the good Act of kindness.
By the time you put smiles on people's faces, you also will see some greater smiles on own face.

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