Being Humble

To start with, Being humble does not really mean that you should think less of yourself, actually it simply means to think of yourself less. You can have strong self-esteem and not brag or make a big deal of yourself to others(pride). People with low self-esteem most often  feel the need to do that in order to make themselves feel better.
They Maintain Relationships

humble people are usually more likely to help friends than their prideful counterparts. As a result, they maintain stronger personal and professional relationships.

They Make Difficult Decisions With Ease

With the fact that humble people put others  needs before their own, so when faced with difficult decisions they respect the moral  boundaries around the decisions they are making, off a sense of shared purpose rather than self-interest.

They Put Others First

Knowing your self worth is a good and strong sign of self-esteem. As a result, you don’t feel the need to cast yourself before others just to show them how much you know, but rather, you realize that nobody cares how much you know until those people know how much they’re cared for.

They Listen

Some people always have the feeling that what they have to say is more valuable than what you are actually saying, which totally makes them go off ears whenever you speak. But you as a kind of person would rather listen to whatever they say before summarizing the whole conversation.

They Speak Out Their Minds

Being wrong is not a fear anyone should have. The courage to face difficulty as you graciously accept to sacrifice yourself makes you know that to bridge the gap between willingness and unwillingness there must be action.

They Take Time To Say “Thank You”

A life of appreciation is one of the best life anyone can ever live, no matter how small or big an offer is, saying thank you rather invites more favors.

They Have An Abundance Mentality

Humble people don’t believe that one person’s “win” necessarily mean another person’s “loss.” Instead, they know there’s plenty of opportunity to go around and that finding it just necessitates collaboration and communication.

They Start Sentences With “You” Rather Than “I”

Humble people put others at the forefront of their thoughts. Humble people brag about others, while the prideful people brag about themselves.

They Accept Feedback

Humble people are not only receptive to constructive criticism but actively seek it because they know that feedback is a pathway to improvement.
They Take Responsibility

By owning and speaking up your own part, doing the things you know you are supposed to do Rather than eschewing blame on “the system” or the behaviors of others.

They Ask For Help

Nobody has it all and nobody can do it all, Part of being humble also means realizing that you don’t have it all. No one does. So acknowledge what you do and do not  enlist help for the latter.

Humility displays a willingness to learn and become better–two things that everybody should cultivate.

How is humility viewed in your own perspective?

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