
Feelings of loneliness and isolation affect all types and ages of people, although some, like adolescents and the elderly, are more likely to be impacted than others.
Suffering from loneliness is similar to suffering from physical pain.

Some certain things could contribute to you getting isolated

Fear of taking risks( perhaps because of past failures)
It could be because of the fear of shame and embarrassment etc

There are of course different types of loneliness

1. New-situation loneliness

In such case, you find yourself in a new enviroment, with new people, and sometimes new life styles,  or you just  started a new job, or perhaps  a new school full of unfamiliar faces. You’re lonely.

2. Self-difference loneliness

Some people feel because they are from a certain background,or probably because of their status, they feel they should not belong to the kinds of people they find around themselves which mostly occurs in the case of finding yourself in a new situation.

3. Heart  loneliness

You find yourself in a situation without your loved once, mostly in a broken relationship, lost your Mum, Dad or any relative close to.
Such could put you in a silence stare of mind.

4.No pet loneliness

Some people if not many have a very deep affection for animals(pets), such could describe you and if it does that means you don't really see any human being able to replace you pets.

5. No time loneliness

Some people could on seem friendly to you but are not your friends, perhaps for the fact that they are too busy or they already have much friends of their own, they often don't seem interested each time you try to pull closer. It could be that the friend you already have now no longer have time for things you all used to do.

6. No trust loneliness

Sometimes you could begin to no longer trust the people you hang around with, you being to feel if they  are truly well-intentioned, kind, and helpful. You’re “friends” with people but don’t quite trust them.  Trust is an important element of friendship which if missing, you could kinda get a little bit lonely.
But one sure way to lose yourself from such is to go out and meet different kinds of people, cuz definitely you shouldn't expect everyone to be just as you are.
Its a world filled with different People.

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