Distance Relationship.

Long-distance relationships simply mean that you aren’t living with your partner because you are in different places. This means you can’t see each other often. If you live in Nairobi and your partner lives in Lagos, for example, you're in a long-distance relationship.

 Relationships can go long distance for many reasons. It could be because your partner has found a new job in a different city or country or because you've started studying at a university far from home. Today, long-distance relationships are becoming more common because of modern forms of communication. Emails, chats, video chats, and social media make it much easier for people to stay in touch.

You can even have s*x on the internet with your partner to keep the spark alive while you're apart. Before you go long-distance, it might be a good idea to think about how your relationship will change. For one thing, there’ll be long stretches with no kissing, holding hands, or s*x.

You won't get to see and talk to each other in person for long periods of time. If you can, try it for a while and see how it works out before you make a serious commitment

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